Logo Design

Jessica Mendoza

Over the past few years we have built a strong relationship with international showjumper Jessica Mendoza, providing her with a brand identity for her showjumping career, including colours, fonts and a number of different layouts and icons.

After working with Jess on her original logo, she then approached us to design a sub brand for her art page, Jessica Mendoza Art.

Further to this we also designed logos for her other two ventures; Triple M Farms and Lillybrook House Stud – one which we particularly enjoyed designing!

EquiToolz logo
equitoolz media pack

Media Pack Design

After we had finalised the branding, shortly after EquiToolz requested that we work on producing their 2021 media pack which outlined their rates and business information. It was 5 pages long, and showcased all their information in a branded, clear and eye-catching layout.

Social Media Graphics

As EquiToolz were a startup business, they required some assistane on their social media channels. We got to work and designed some initial graphics which were optimised for all their channels, and gave their followers information about the courses on offer.

The posts were a mixture of images and graphics, designed to give their audience a clear idea of what EquiToolz is all about.

equitoolz social media