Website & Brand Design


Alphamor Creative

I connected with Amy Corcoran after booking a photography shoot with my dog Lola, and from this she enquired about my brand and website design services.

I worked with Amy to understand what her brand identity should be, and after understanding she clearly identified with an Autumnal colour palette, I created a bespoke colour palette which she could use in all her promotions.

I also created a new logo for Alphamor Creative. With a play on the ‘A’ and simple typography which was luxury, classic and timeless. 

Her new website incorporated the new branding, whilst showcasing a number of previous shoots and her portfolio, as well as advertising her equine and canine product offerings. 

An extremely fun project, with a very talented photographer!

alphamor creative brand design
alphamor creative equestrian photography website design mockup
onestop catering website design