If you’re into fashion and you’re plugged into the country/luxury lifestyle world you will most certainly have heard of the brand Fairfax & Favor. I can tell you that I ADORE this brand. Their products really are amazing quality and are just the perfect breath of fresh air the country lifestyle market needs

Marcus and Felix – who have known each other since childhood, together founded Fairfax & Favor which has gone from strength to strength since its launch in 2013.

I’ve always wanted to find out what goes on behind the scenes of such a thriving and growing brand, and thought it would be interesting for all my fellow business-owners out there to find out too. Recently I’ve had the opportunity to get to ask both Marcus and Felix a few questions about what goes on behind the scenes…


1. What are the biggest challenges you both face in the running of your business today?

The biggest challenge would definately be cash flow. Without this we can’t start new projects. The most frustrating challenge is paying the supplier for products so far in advance not receiving for months.


2. What do you enjoy most about working in partnership together, vs doing it alone?

Bouncing ideas off each other, especially regarding tough decisions. We also both specialise in different sectors and have different interests so this works great when coming up with ideas for the business but also in everyday office life, sharing the workload is also a bonus.

3. Where would you like Fairfax and Favor to be in the future?

We would love to branch out into clothing, creating quality products for our loyal customers to enjoy. We would also love to expand our accessories and footwear range by bettering products and listening to customer feedback.

4. When you started, was the vision different to what it has become now?

No. We have always had a clear vision of what we want. Of course, this has adapted and continues to grow and develop with the brand.

5. What is your favourite item from your collection?

We have just launched a new handbag range called the Loxley collection. We love these bags, as they are the first in our accessories collection like this. We have developed a new clasp and design which we think looks sophisticated and stylish.

6. What advice would you give to other people looking to start a footwear brand

Always listen to the customer – The customer is always right!

Product Spotlight…

I was lucky enough to be gifted a pair of my all time favourite boots… The Flat Amira from Fairfax & Favor themselves (I know right – lucky me!) I can safely say was one of the most incredible gifts I’ve ever received!

Everytime I wear my boots, I get complimented on them. Every. Single. Time. People know what a quality, well made pair of boots look like. I’ve worn them around London, to various horse shows and equestrian events and they’ve been the staple of each and every outfit!

If you’re looking for a stylish pair of boots that will last through the years, are made from real leather, have a comfortable leather and rubber sole, mould to your leg, compliment pretty much every outfit, come in a variety of colours, oh and smell delightful (opening the box was heaven) then you need to get these boots.

I 100% recommend heading to one of their stands at a show and try on a pair (click here to see their show calendar) be prepared to take them home with you…

Find Out More...

Visit Fairfax & Favor’s website below and view their whole range of STUNNING products!